12/31まで Hiragana Online Shop でお買上げの皆様に1年間の感謝の気持ちを込めて10%OFFキャンペーン実施中。
ギフト包装 & メッセージ代筆は無料で行なっております。
International shipping is also available. If you would like to have your order shipped overseas, please contact us through “お問い合わせ”.
To wear beautiful words in order to make day to day life even greater.
The curves of these letters called “Hiragana” which are so peculiar to Japanese culture, will reveal the beauty of people’s heart by fluttering as gracious as a woman’s manner of behavior.
By wearing these letters which give sense to everyone’s hopes, you will put the shine back into the day to day life.
Hiragana Online Shop