令和短歌 Tanka of Reiwa era

本作品の短歌は、SNS中毒やハラスメントなど現代社会の状況をテーマに、ChatGPT との対話を通じて創作されたものである。百人一首をはじめとする和歌には、日常の些細な出来事や感情が詠み込まれており、時には愚痴のような内容であっても、五七五七七のリズム に乗せることで文学的表現へと昇華される。本作においても、 仮名文字を使用することで可読性に意図的な障壁を設け、直接的な愚痴ではなく、短歌という形式を通じた異なる視点からの解釈を促している。

The tanka poems in this work were created through dialogue with ChatGPT on the theme of social networking addiction, harassment, and other situations in modern society. Waka poems, including the Hyakunin Isshu (one hundred and one poems), contain trivial everyday events and feelings, and even if they sometimes seem like complaints, they are sublimed into literary expressions by being set to the rhythm of the syllabic syllabary 57577. In this work, too, the use of kana characters intentionally creates a barrier to readability, encouraging interpretation from a different perspective through the form of tanka, rather than direct complaints.



あるひとりの女性の人生の軌跡を表している。 日常のささいなことの積み重ねによって、多くの女性 達がジェンダーの葛藤を抱えている。不平等や抑圧と いった困難をしなやかに交わしながら前に進んでいる。

It represents the trajectory of one woman’s life.
Many women face gender conflicts due to the accumulation of daily trivialities. They are moving forward flexibly, while dealing with difficulties such as inequality and oppression.


國廣沙織 ・新谷響名 ( 京都市立芸術大学 ) 共同制作



frame of self


The “hanging scroll” looks a little different from what we are usually accustomed to seeing.
It has been in the same shape ever since it was introduced to Japan from China 1,500 years ago. Is the beautiful structure, designed to be viewed from below in an alcove, still in place today? The rules of the hanging scroll are superimposed on the environment of modern society, including gender and social attributes.
I feel that there are many invisible oppressions in society. Each person has different strengths and weaknesses, but they are adapting without willpower in a society that seeks harmony. On the other hand, the structure of a hanging scroll has a rule (i.e., the ratio of cloth width and length) that has not changed since ancient times. I consider the standard ratio to be the perfect human being, and the differently proportioned scrolls to be “personalities with individuality.

petal lines

SNSの時代が到来して、人をありのまま見ることが難しくなってきた。文字の大きさ、形同様に、人にも色々な姿があり、考え方がある。 それなのに、人は理想的な自分を目指しているように見える。SNSでの振る舞いが、人間本来の多様性から遠ざかるように思えてならない。 人は不完全なものであり、装う必要はないのに。自分たちで、自分たちを擬装し、このまま、ありのままの姿を次第に忘れていくのか。 DNAの元々の姿にも似た「人」字の片割れ。それは、本来の我々のありのままの姿である。

With the advent of the age of social networking, it has become increasingly difficult to see people as they are.
Like the size and shape of letters, people come in many shapes and sizes, and there are many ways of thinking.
Yet people seem to strive for an idealized version of themselves, and the way people behave on social networking sites seems to distract from the diversity that is inherent in human nature.
People are imperfect and do not need to pretend. Are we going to continue to mimic ourselves and gradually forget what we are? One half of the “human” character, similar to the original form of DNA. It is what we originally are.


平安時代に藤原公任によって編纂された三十六歌仙のうち31人は男性で5人は女性であり、女性の割合は13.9%である。一方、2022年の 国会議員の女性の割合は15.4%と、どちらも同じくらいの数値である。 千年以上前から社会を代表する者の男女格差はさほど変わっていない。

Of the 36 poets compiled by Fujiwara no Koto during the Heian period (794-1185), 31 were men and 5 were women, for a female ratio of 13.9%. On the other hand, the male/female ratio of Diet members in 2022 is 601:110, with women accounting for 15.4% of the total, both figures being about the same.
The gender gap in the representation of society has not changed much over the past millennium.

ridge’s lines

遠くの山を見つめた時に、仮名の繊細な「線」を見出した。漢字はもともと書き記すために使われてきたが、仮名は漢字を読 む送りがなや和歌を綴るためにできた話し言葉である。仮名は、山の稜線や花の花弁、木の枝の形など自然の造形に近いよ うに感じる。仮名が生まれた時代は自然と人が共生していたであろう。しかし、文字が生まれたことで文化が発達し、都市が 形成され、自然は人の手によって壊されていった。人がやみくもに自然を破壊せず、共存する社会を求めている。

When I gazed at the mountains in the distance, I found the delicate “lines” of kana. Kanji characters were originally used for writing, while kana is a spoken language that was created to spell out waka poems and the phonetic alphabet used to read kanji characters. The kana seems to be similar to natural forms, such as the ridges of mountains, the petals of flowers, and the shapes of tree branches. In the time when kana was created, nature and people would have coexisted in harmony. However, with the birth of letters, culture developed, cities were formed, and nature was destroyed by human hands. We are seeking a society where people do not blindly destroy nature but coexist with it.


「花の色は うつりにけりな いたづらに わが身世にふる ながめせしまに」 平安時代に絶世の美女と言われた小野小町が晩年容姿の衰えを長雨の後に散った花に例えた。キャリアを築いてもなお、 なぜ老いていくことを受け入れ難く感じるのか。未だに男性が主体の社会で女性の外観に対する偏見に違和感を覚える。

“Hanano iroha utsurinikerina itadurani wagami yonifuru nagameseshimani”
The color of the flowers may fade, but I am still alive.
Ono no Komachi, who was said to be the most beautiful woman of her time during the Heian period (794-1185), compared the decline of her appearance in her later years to a flower that had fallen after a long rainfall. Why is it that even after building a career, we still find it difficult to accept aging? I feel uncomfortable with the prejudice against women’s appearance in a society that is still predominantly male-dominated.



frame of self

33 × 80 cm, 136 × 48 cm, 81 × 105 cm


95 × 36 cm


155.8 × 114.5 cm

2021/4/1-5/5「令和3年度 春期京都非公開文化財特別公開」

liver’s lines

100 × 30 × 100 cm

photo : Mitsuyuki Nakajima


116.7 × 91 cm


18 × 12 cm


70 × 30 cm


184 × 91 cm


Φ23 cm